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PowerCurve® Strategy Management as a Service

Make insightful credit decisions with a
cloud-based AI-powered solution

Today’s customer needs are ever-evolving and businesses both large and small are reshaping the customer journey at an unprecedented pace. Businesses are looking for solutions that are secure, easily scalable to meet emerging needs and changes in demand, and seamlessly upgrade to avoid getting stuck on outdated software. To enable organisations to keep up with the pace of change, Experian has launched a new set of SaaS solutions designed for companies that seek to automate decisions across an increasingly complex customer journey. The new cloud native solution is built on active-active microservices architecture ensuring high availability and scalability, consumed as a service. Experian’s strong decisioning capability with PowerCurve® Strategy Management, and is highly configurable to client’s sophisticated, decision-driven business processes.

PowerCurve® Strategy Management – How it works?

Experian’s PowerCurve® Strategy Management solution sits on the Experian cloud deployment platform and leverages the scale and the rich features of the underlying Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud infrastructure, to deliver its as-a-service benefits to businesses.

Experian’s PowerCurve® Strategy Management helps you develop and deploy decision strategies more easily than before.

You can also evaluate how well the strategies are working and continuously improve them over time.

With this closed loop process, you can recognise signs of emerging risks or changing markets early on. And quickly adapt decision strategies to take advantage of opportunities and avoid negative outcomes.

So as markets continue to shift, PowerCurve® Strategy Management will help you keep risk in check, drive performance, and optimise the customer journey.

At Experian, we unlock the power of data to create opportunities for consumers, businesses and society. Managing and safeguarding the largest and most diverse data repository in the industry means we can provide the answers you need for faster, confident decisions.

Contact our Experian sales representative today.

How Experian can help?

Lower operational costs through automated decisioning
Costs going down
Monitor and improve your decisioning strategies
Page process with magnifier
Create strategies via rapid iterative strategy design
Process with tick at the end
Be agile and adapt quickly to market conditions
Cog clock
Leverage real-time data and analytics to augment decisioning
Page with graphs
Simple integration with operational systems
Cog with networking

Why PowerCurve® Strategy Management as-a-Service?

Powercure process

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